Posted in My Words. 📝

A Letter From Me To Myself

Hey Jannat,

 I often write letters to myself.

Usually in time in of stress and change.

It calms me to talk to myself. And helps me set my intentions. 

It feels strange to talk to you.It feels strange to send you a letter.But you know I can’t live without you.I miss talking to you.I love you for being you.It makes me happy to write a letter to you because I know you’re my best friend.No matter what happens in your life,you will always respond me with positivity and love.Nothing is hidden from you.You know me very well.You know my weaknesses,my strengths(if any),my fears,my likes,my dislikes,my interests,my hobbies,my aims,my dreams,my to-do list,you know my secrets and my everything.You know it very well.You know it and understands me more than anybody else.

Dear Me,do you know why I’m writing this letter to you?Of course you do.Me,you know that I write u a letter not only in happiness but every time I feel down or depressed or when I can’t trust anyone else to share my thoughts with,I come to you,I talk to you,I write you a letter.Because I know this letter will not take days to reach you but you would instantly get it after I complete writing it.I trust you this much.I can’t lie to you.Though I’ve tried many times to ditch you,but you never got pranked.I can’t hide my feelings from you.You know the reason behind my tears.You know the reason why I laugh.You know the reason why  I shout.You know the reason why I lied to people.You know the reason why I chose to remain silent when I was not suppose too.Me, you know me very well.

Me,you know there’s always a war inside me.A war of emotions.I don’t know the reason.I don’t know the exact cause or the solution.But what I know is that I want to cry,I want to cry out loud but at the same time I want to smile and thank Almighty for everything He has blessed me with.I want to sit alone in a corner with a cup of hot tea and darkness,Me with me alone in silence,no cieling fans,no light just Me and me,pondering on what I have done and what I have to do.

Because if there is anything truer than truth itself, then it is the mere existence that lives within me for myself. I am sorry i didn’t tell you how much you mean to me, and that’s why you always gave your preferences to others. I am sorry for the days i let you wipe off your tears and doing what your heart didn’t wish for. And leting you do what they told you to do. Leting you be who they wanted you to be. I am sorry for telling you lies about life. I am sorry for making you think that they want the best of you. I am sorry for negating your instincts. I am sorry for asking you to shutup. I am sorry for telling you the norms and values of the society. I am sorry for inculcating their views in your head. I am sorry for blocking your own perception made out of your own experience. I am sorry for asking you to hear what they say. I am sorry to let you go.

I am sorry, Me.

Thanku for being yourself.

Till we meet again,

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As I breathe, I hope.” Don’t you just love that?

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Sleeping is nice.You forget about everything for a little while.

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