Posted in My Words. 📝

Stop Being Fake.!

The opinions expressed are not real

The thoughts are not the truth

A soul is encaged

They don’t behave ‘Them’

I pretend to be ‘You’

You pretend to be ‘They’


And people are disguised into someone they’re not meant to be. What’s the reason behind this? Actually we want people to be receptive towards us, we want people’s approval and we want to be called that ‘goody goody’ person who’s always right. But we need to understand that at the end of the day we are HUMANS and we make mistakes, we are not perfect and it is OKAY. So stop being fake and do not pretendunnamed (1)Just be yourself, the better version of yourself. Make a promise with yourself that you will do what you feel is right. I know that it’s not easy to tell people what you feel but speaking your mind is always easy because:download (4)

You need to understand your worth. You need to understand ‘You.’



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Sleeping is nice.You forget about everything for a little while.

17 thoughts on “Stop Being Fake.!

  1. Well said. One of the things I teach is Listen To Your Body! And that’s basically what I get from your post. When we listen to our body, we know when things are wrong for us, when we have to speak a boundary, when we have to be quiet. And we know when to laugh!!

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  2. Sometimes, in the midst of life we loose ourselves and don’t even notice at first. Then all of a sudden we look in the mirror and don’t know who we are looking at.

    Live each day with authenticity.

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  3. Yes yes yes. All we can be is our highest and best. As Maya Angelou said: “When you know better, you will do better.” There’s no reason to be anyone but who you are, because you can’t maintain a “fakey” facade for long anyways. The real you will rise to the surface!

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