Posted in My Debut Book!

A backstory! #mydebutbook

HELLO Everyone! I really hope you all are doing great.

I’m really excited to inform that I’ve published my first ever book. Be Your Own Paradise is really special and will always be.

A little backstory!

I was really shy and always feared to write things down but there was a time when I felt the need to get things off the chest. There was nobody I could converse with or if there was, I was too shy to even consider sharing things up. That was the time, 2017 September when I started off writing. This book is an assortment of my experiences, observations, challenges and life lessons. Each expression and every single word of this book has a sentiment connected to it. ​I really hope people to connect through it 

If you wanna know the answer to why and how humans feel the way they feel and if you wanna enjoy the 7 emotions humans manage to wear in their lifetime, you must read this book. You can get your copy by simply clicking on the link below:

“Be Your Own Paradise” by Jannat Amjad



Posted in My Words. 📝

Avoid Invasions!

Let no one drives the car of your life
Let no one controls you and your emotions
Let no one be the reason for your anxiety
Let no one to lead your thoughts
Let no one be the cause for your unhappiness
Let no one be so special to make you feel worthless

Love everybody; admire all, prioritise yourself and respect your soul !

Posted in Blogging 😊

Yay!!! 15k + Stats. BOOMING. THANKU SO MUCH!!!🙏

Hey everyone. VAS HAPPENING. Hope you all doing good. Welcome to my little space and thank you so much for stopping by my blog. 

15K PLUS STATS. IT IS HUGE. COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT! My heart just keeps thanking and thanking you all. I’m grateful! 

Keep pouring in the love and I’ll try my best to entertain you all with my posts. And please do let me know if there’s anything I need to work on.





Posted in My Words. 📝

Self discovery open doors to personal evolution!

Self discovery leads an individual to exploring oneself; likes, dislikes, preferences, sentiments etc. When a person is aware of his emotions, he is better guided to make life decisions that would link his actions to the long aimed success and dreams. Therefore, it is justified to state that if an individual feels confident in oneself after going through a phase of discovering oneself in hopes to identify the identity for evolving as a human, professional and personal development becomes inevitable.

If a person accepted his being as it is, he would not say yes to people’s yes when he doesn’t feel like and would discourage to not saying No when needed. Professional and self improvement stops when your being’s driving key is operates by others. And this happens when you do not know what you need, require, like, appreciate, discourage, love, fear and hate.

Explore your being! Know yourself!

Posted in My Words. 📝


I am grateful for everything that is been given to me yet I sometimes wonder why He has blessed me with all I always wanted. Is it worrisome? Or just another human’s trait!

Posted in My Words. 📝

It Happens

Sometimes I feel like I have been given all and yet I am in a state of hollowness and emptiness filled with incomplete bliss, unsatisfactory state of being satisfied, completed and yet uncompleted state. Why is it so? Why these states co exist and disturbs my peace of mind?

I have all but I have nothing!
